Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Lover's Quarrel

    Within the tall grass, there was an unusual silence.  It's as though the earth knew what was coming, and was just waiting.  Sharp eyes pierced the atmosphere, cutting the air as they gazed back and forth.  The eyes narrowed with each passing moment, demonstrating both a patience and a rage that had built up within the deep cavern of the body.  The eyes were the only window to this, as the body lay perfectly still in the night air.  At last, the eyes found what they had been searching for.

    A primal scream shook the tension and shattered the thickness in the air.  The mix of red with the flashing white of teeth and eyes were a carnal dance between predator and prey.  The tangling of bodies was a beautiful ballet of instinct and nature, of lovers fighting, not out of hatred, but from the need of each other.  The symphony rose at the peak of longing and fear, then fell quietly as panic turned to acceptance and resignation.  In the lovers' final embrace, as the kiss of death crept slowly into the heart, the eyes gazed down at its still lover, and softened, as if to say, "I love you, I need you, I'm sorry."

-Christy M.

1 comment:

  1. This is intense, but somehow beautiful too. A great piece of description.
