Friday, August 22, 2014

Where Did We Get Lost?

Where did we get lost,
on that winter’s day?
To think that I would find you
and my whole life would change.
Who knew life would take us,
to each other’s hearts,
To help us move tall mountains,
and heal each other’s scars?
Where would I be now,
without your tender voice,
The warmth inside your eyes,
or the strength in your embrace?
Would you ever know me,
if our paths did not meet?
If life’s road hadn’t blocked us,
would our souls be incomplete?
Where did I get lost,
when you helped me find my way?
To think I could’ve missed you,
if it wasn’t for that day.
Where did I get lost,
when I looked into your eyes?
Your pools of endless dreams,
new worlds, and clear skies?
So tell me that you love me,
and you’ll help me find my way.
And I’ll be there to guide you
until the end of days.
And we’ll get lost together,
and create worlds all our own,
New chapters and beginnings,
in our hearts we’ll build a home.

C. Madokoro

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thought of the Day-Sometimes You Just Need To Fry an Egg

Well, it's been a while.  I've been so busy that other projects just seem to slip my mind.  So instead of sharing a completed piece, I'd just rather share my thought for today:  Sometimes you just need to fry an egg.

Okay, sounds strange.  But let me explain.

When I was younger and hungry, I would just grab something and eat.  But now, with family and responsibilities, I feel obligated that every meal be well thought out and balanced.  This can be extremely time-consuming and stressful because when I look into my refrigerator, I don't see something that I can just eat.  I'm seeing ingredients for meals, and then I see what I am missing and the impossibility of making certain dishes because I am missing key ingredients.

I swear, there is a point to this.  When I look into my fridge, I am hungry, but when all I see are ingredients to a larger meal, I choose in my head whether to go hungry, or take the easy way out and go out to eat.  This is how we end up eating out so often.  And then I am depressed because I spent more on a meal than a few weeks of groceries and my body feels bad because I just consumed too much of what I didn't need.

Today, I did the same thing.  Only, that is where my bright idea came into play.  I stared into my fridge, seeing a bunch of things I didn't have the energy to make.  I closed the door, and decided that going hungry was probably the best solution for my budget right now. And then I realised, I have a ton of eggs I just bought in there and a pot full of rice.  I didn't have to create a huge meal; I was hungry now, and a fried egg would suffice.  I used to eat them all the time as a kid, and I just forgot.  Life gets so complicated sometimes, that I forget about the simple things.

This thought, I realised, also pertains to my writing.  Sometimes, I need to stop thinking about the entire piece, the finished project, and all the ingredients I'm missing, and just think about something simple I can do to help satisfy my goals.  It's easy to blow off my blog because I don't have a finished piece to put up.  It's easy to make an excuse not to write because I'm still thinking about how I want to roll with a topic.  But it is not satisfying, it doesn't make me feel good, and it doesn't bring my thoughts closer to being written.

I did fry my egg, two actually.  And it was satisfying.  This thought is just like my fried egg.  I may not be creating the big meal, but simply sharing my thoughts is satisfying.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Lover's Quarrel

    Within the tall grass, there was an unusual silence.  It's as though the earth knew what was coming, and was just waiting.  Sharp eyes pierced the atmosphere, cutting the air as they gazed back and forth.  The eyes narrowed with each passing moment, demonstrating both a patience and a rage that had built up within the deep cavern of the body.  The eyes were the only window to this, as the body lay perfectly still in the night air.  At last, the eyes found what they had been searching for.

    A primal scream shook the tension and shattered the thickness in the air.  The mix of red with the flashing white of teeth and eyes were a carnal dance between predator and prey.  The tangling of bodies was a beautiful ballet of instinct and nature, of lovers fighting, not out of hatred, but from the need of each other.  The symphony rose at the peak of longing and fear, then fell quietly as panic turned to acceptance and resignation.  In the lovers' final embrace, as the kiss of death crept slowly into the heart, the eyes gazed down at its still lover, and softened, as if to say, "I love you, I need you, I'm sorry."

-Christy M.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Loss Continued

In the theme of "loss," I have another poem to contribute.  My brother's cherished pet, a bunny, had passed away tonight.  I wrote him this short poem.  Probably not going to help a grown man get over his loss, but one could only hope.

Hop with me to bunny field,
Where all my ailments will be healed.
With fields of green and clover sweet,
I’ll always have enough to eat.
I’ll play all day in bright sunlight,
In nested warmth I’ll sleep all night.
And though I’ll miss our times of fun,
My eternal bliss has just begun.
I thank you for your love and play,
I cherished each and every day.
Just remember our fondest times,
Though you’re in pain, I’ll be just fine.
I’ll hop along through rolling hills,
Where meadows of hope await me still.
Through deepest loss your strength’s revealed,
Remember, I love you now and always will.

-Christy M.


    I wrote this story to explain a difficult, real-life situation, to a child.  I have made a few words changes in this version so that it is not all "happy"s and "sad"s, but I hope that it is still easy for a child to comprehend.  The story worked well enough for the intended audience, but improvements can always be made.  This is a true story of loss.  Thank you for you're time!

    There was once a young, lovely, and very happy princess named Mary.  The princess was very cheerful and kind to everyone.  She had many admirers in her kingdom, but she never paid them any attention.  

    Then one day, as she was traveling through her kingdom, she crossed paths with a very handsome young man.  Once their eyes met, their souls reached out to each other; and when they touched, their souls became one.  Mary had met her soul mate.  

    It turned out that the young man was a prince visiting from a neighboring kingdom.  Soon plans were made for their marriage.  Mary became a queen, and her prince, Patrick, became her king.  They lived happily for years, and with their love, the king and queen created two lovely princesses.
    King Patrick made Mary’s world safe; he protected her and their daughters with his strength and love.  However, one day, the king suddenly became ill and passed away far before his time.
    Mary was devastated.  Her world fell apart.  Her love for her king quickly became her grief.  Patrick’s soul had been pulled away from hers, and the pain left her feeling sad and alone.
    Queen Mary had to be strong for her little princesses, but she didn’t know how.  Her king had always been her strength.  Without him, she didn’t know what to do.  So she looked to the king’s Knight Commander for help.  

    The knight was also mourning the death of his king.  Because of this shared grief, the Queen and the knight quickly became friends.  The queen leaned on the knight for his strength, and the knight fell in love with the queen.  However, the queen could never love another man the way she loved her king, so her heartache grew.
    The knight knew Mary still loved King Patrick, but he wished for his queen to love him the same way.  But this could not be.  This made the knight sadder; and instead of making each other happy, Mary and the knight both grew more miserable every day.
    Queen Mary stayed with the knight because her princesses were very fond of him and loved him like family.  However, being together only reminded Mary and the knight of the loss of their king and reminded her of the passing of her one true love.  

    As the days went on, Queen Mary grew tired of her misery, and wished for happiness once again.  After much thought, Mary realized that she was showing her young daughters that love was unhappy.  She wanted to set a better example for them, and decided to search for things that brought her joy again.
    She became stronger, to show her daughters that even through great tragedy, they could regain their strength.  She decided that her princesses needed to know that love is what gave the world hope.  She did not want them to grow up thinking that love was sadness, or that sadness was okay.

    The knight continued to be heartbroken, but the queen, who was becoming stronger and stronger every day, decided that the best way to make them both happy again, was to be apart.  That way, the queen and the knight could both forget their sorrow from the loss of their king.
    It hurt the little princesses to be away from the knight; but in time, they learned from the example of their strong mother, Queen Mary.  And they too, became strong and radiant.  Queen Mary protected her children, and lent them her strength, knowing that they would grow up someday and know what true love really is.
    Queen Mary felt confident that her daughters learned that the only thing that makes life dark and gray would be a world without love.  And she knew that one day, when she chose to love again, it would be a love that was started from happiness, not from despair.  Though it would never be the same as the love for her king, she learned that true love should never harm your heart, but always heal it.

Friday, January 10, 2014


I remember writing this and thinking it would be a funny greeting card; and since I'm in a humorous mood, I'd like to share.

Just to be clear, it's not written for anyone in particular.  And if you are a guy, I apologize; unless you are lousy, then I rescind my apology.  Enjoy (O-o)

I'm sorry your son 
    is so lousy.
I know that it hurts,
    but it's true.

And on this fine day 
    I just wanted to say,
That though you want him to thrive,
    he's lucky to be alive.

Well, lucky for him,
Not for you.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

First Time Sharing-Hope

To the man that life left broken,
    lonely in your shattered cell,
I give to thee a love unspoken
    to save you from your tortured hell.

To that man with love unspoken,
    awaits a soul to guide your fate.
And through the soul with strong chains broken,
    lies the key to Heaven's Gate.

Man needs love to light his way,
    to pull him from his darkened cave.
And with that love, by star so bright,
    shines a path, through constant night.

-Christy M.

Constructive suggestions please.  Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Post-Fear

I decided to start this off, not with a piece of my own, but with the first piece that had ever inspired me to write.

When I was younger, I loved to read, and I looked up to authors for being able to create worlds and lives that never existed before being put onto paper.  But it was never something I thought I could do.

Then, one day, I had to find a poem for school, and my father pulled out something he had written.  Reading it brought me out of my cave; if my father could write, then maybe I could too.  I've had it memorized for almost 16 years.

So, here is a poem written by my father during his time in the military; it was untitled, but I simply call it "Fear."

Unknown is the fear,
That lies within.

That comes from down deep,
Under your skin.

You hide it from Smith, Garrett,
Williams, and Jones.

But know that it's there,
Buried deep in your bones.

Where does it come from?
And what does it eat?

It comes from uncertainty,
And feeds on defeat.

It lived forever
In the hearts of great men.

It waits for the moment,
And then it sets in.

-Thomas Allen