Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thought of the Day-Sometimes You Just Need To Fry an Egg

Well, it's been a while.  I've been so busy that other projects just seem to slip my mind.  So instead of sharing a completed piece, I'd just rather share my thought for today:  Sometimes you just need to fry an egg.

Okay, sounds strange.  But let me explain.

When I was younger and hungry, I would just grab something and eat.  But now, with family and responsibilities, I feel obligated that every meal be well thought out and balanced.  This can be extremely time-consuming and stressful because when I look into my refrigerator, I don't see something that I can just eat.  I'm seeing ingredients for meals, and then I see what I am missing and the impossibility of making certain dishes because I am missing key ingredients.

I swear, there is a point to this.  When I look into my fridge, I am hungry, but when all I see are ingredients to a larger meal, I choose in my head whether to go hungry, or take the easy way out and go out to eat.  This is how we end up eating out so often.  And then I am depressed because I spent more on a meal than a few weeks of groceries and my body feels bad because I just consumed too much of what I didn't need.

Today, I did the same thing.  Only, that is where my bright idea came into play.  I stared into my fridge, seeing a bunch of things I didn't have the energy to make.  I closed the door, and decided that going hungry was probably the best solution for my budget right now. And then I realised, I have a ton of eggs I just bought in there and a pot full of rice.  I didn't have to create a huge meal; I was hungry now, and a fried egg would suffice.  I used to eat them all the time as a kid, and I just forgot.  Life gets so complicated sometimes, that I forget about the simple things.

This thought, I realised, also pertains to my writing.  Sometimes, I need to stop thinking about the entire piece, the finished project, and all the ingredients I'm missing, and just think about something simple I can do to help satisfy my goals.  It's easy to blow off my blog because I don't have a finished piece to put up.  It's easy to make an excuse not to write because I'm still thinking about how I want to roll with a topic.  But it is not satisfying, it doesn't make me feel good, and it doesn't bring my thoughts closer to being written.

I did fry my egg, two actually.  And it was satisfying.  This thought is just like my fried egg.  I may not be creating the big meal, but simply sharing my thoughts is satisfying.

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